I’m Karl Drinkwater. Hello.
I have two lives. One is as an author.
In the second, I was a UK General Election candidate in 2024, standing for the Green Party in lovely Dwyfor Meirionnydd. If elected, I would have become an MP in the Houses of Parliament. But it wasn’t to be.
This site documented my journey, but I have a lot more to say. As such I’ve decided to keep it going, but rebrand it from “Diary of a Parliamentary Candidate” to “Everything Is Political”. Because it is. Every choice we make, everything we buy. There is no escaping from it. The whole of life is entwined with politics just as it is with nature. I expand on that here.
And so I can continue to discuss topics dear to my heart. Topics I think society should consider more often. Topics politicians shy away from.
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Buy my books (online or from a bookshop): it’s my main income. Or take out a paid subscription to my writing newsletter.
Join your country’s Green Party. Vote for them in elections. And get involved with their work. They probably have a local party near you which would love you to be involved.
Donate to, or join, good organisations such as Jewish Voice for Peace, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions), and Ethical Consumer.
Tell people about your beliefs. Spread the word and change the world!
This was my candidate statement when I stood for election in 2024. It’s just as relevant today, so I am leaving it here, even after the August 2024 rebrand.
As an author, Karl dreams of better worlds. In his community work – environmental campaigner, litter picker, inspiring creative writing teacher, and community councillor – he puts his values into practice.
He wrote his first novel on Ynys Enlli, and during his twenty year librarian career at Aberystwyth University he would enjoy summer days cycling the Mawddach Trail or exploring Barmouth and Harlech.
Karl has the heart of a Celt and dreams of a fully independent Wales, Scotland and united Ireland, and a subsequent alliance of Celtic countries. Finally free of England’s warmongering, colonialisation and resource theft, the daffodil, thistle and shamrock could thrive again.
There’s an urgent need for change. To get rid of politicians who destroy public services, increase inequality, promote violence in foreign policy, stifle opposition, enable genocide, support apartheid, increase debt, destroy the environment, and lie to us. Career politicians just seeking more power and perks for themselves and those who buy them.
We need to protect what’s good, and rediscover what has been lost. We are not separate from nature, we are a part of it. We must imagine a world that reconnects us to the land, that is fair and equal, where we can experience fulfilling and sustainable lives in friendly communities.
Karl is proud to be detested by racists, bigots, megarich tax dodgers, fascists, sexists, apartheid defenders, homophobes, ageists, people who are cruel to animals, colonialists, regressives, those who adore inherited privilege, imperialists, and warmongers. He can’t be bought or bribed.
He is respected and loved by those who want peace, equality, justice, and cooperation.
All opinions expressed are Karl Drinkwater’s own.