We Need Change
Every day I see evidence of our awful foreign policy, which seems designed to create further conflict rather than being aimed at peace and co-operation. And then the Western media reframes it as if the people we are attacking are somehow the bad guys, and we’re the heroes.
We’ve seen it recently where the UK (and US, and other countries) continue to arm Israel and enable its genocide of the Palestinians. The terrorists are Israel and those governments giving it bombs and weaponry to slaughter civilians and attack other countries, but you’d never know it from our media.
When the Houthis of Yemen enacted peaceful blockades of ships to try and halt the genocide – and note that under international law, countries are expected to do everything they can to prevent genocide – the UK and US framed the Houthis as terrorists and started bombing them. If you’d like to know more about that, here are a few articles:
Western Empire Bombs Yemen To Protect Israel's Genocide Operations In Gaza
The US and UK bomb Yemen to save shipping lanes and genocide (satire)
And in the last few days we’re seeing it again. Because Iran opposes the genocide of Palestinians, Israel illegally bombed Iran’s embassy, killing Iranian staff. That’s an act of war. Iran retaliated in a surprisingly restrained way (compared to what the UK or US would have done in that situation). And yet, Western media is trying to paint Iran as aggressors and Israel as an innocent victim, by conveniently burying mention of Israel’s illegal attack on the embassy. You couldn’t make this stuff up, and yet those running the country will just outright lie and spin so as to keep fuelling violence, and even refuse to reveal the legal advice the Government has been given (which UK citizens paid for, no doubt at great expense).
Here are some of the articles about the Iran situation I read today:
No, we should not send troops to die in Iran to protect Israel
Empire Managers Keep Acting Like Iran Is About To Attack Israel Without Provocation
Iran plotting unprovoked attack on country that bombed its embassy (satire)
We won’t get change until we replace the Conservatives and Labour, since both have backed numerous attacks on other nations – Iraq, anyone? – and both support Israel’s apartheid and genocide, whilst silencing or sacking critics of that unjust policy.
Update 28 April 2024: The UK Conservatives decide to spend even more on war and killing, even though it is Western violence that leads to this “increasingly dangerous world” our violent government has created and continues to enable. For example, what do you think happens when you fund a genocide, and support apartheid states like Israel? Much of the world sees through your hypocrisy and turns against you. But when it comes to things UK taxpayers want, “There’s no money for that, soz mate.”
Promoted by Karl Drinkwater (Green Party) at The Gate, Keppoch Street, Cardiff CF24 3JW.
I have to also add that Article 1 of the genocide convention also says:
"Article I
The Contracting Parties confirm that genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in
time of war, is a crime under international law which they undertake to prevent and to
punish. "
Prevent AND punish.
One could argue that Houthis would be right under international law to be a bit firmer with any military personnel and equipment they know are carried on these ships (cargo ships to and from Israel often carry Mossad agents etc).
The Houthis do not want to kill any civilians though. Neither do Hezbollah. Neither do Hamas. Neither do Iran.
That's why Oct 7 - and the additional lies of that day - are played on repeat: because the 'scary Moslems' aren't actually killing any civilians or innocents.
Israel tried to take advantage of the injury of an Arab Bedouin girl from shrapnel caused by Israel and her allies shooting down an Iranian plane which was aimed at a specific target and at no civilian. The repugnance of the Israeli State pretending to care about an Arab child is just beyond deplorable.
I find myself at loss for words because the English language genuinely has no more words to describe the Israeli State and its murderous, despicable, evil actions.
So depressing.