It’s been a busy day, but I’d like to mention three positive things.
One. My cat is diabetic and has been having problems recently. Her blood sugar is still way too high (I have to inject insulin twice a day) but she has seemed more her normal self today.
Two. I sold some of the music kit I don’t need (a big amp/PA system) to a folk musician. He came around with his keyboard, mic and guitar and we spent an hour messing around with it and trying out different sounds. I love making sure possessions go on to people who will appreciate and use them.
Three. I had a chat with Rhys Owen, Political Reporter for the amazing Welsh magazine Golwg (which has been going since 1988!) Well, I say chat, it was officially an interview but when I am passionate about a subject it can often lead to fascinating digressions and take the conversation into other areas, because often a broader picture gives a more accurate overview of what’s really going on.
I talked about Welsh/Scottish/Irish unity and issues of independence; Israel’s ongoing attacks against Palestinian civilians (supported by the current UK and US governments); how to remake Westminster to actually be a democracy rather than just England still acting colonially; the neighbourhood group I have set up; food supply sovereignty and self-sufficiency; my Aberystwyth librarianship career; battles with the DWP/HMRC; the books I have written; financial inequality; my environmental work; and probably much that I have forgotten. Once I have links to any articles that come from it I’ll do a separate post.
I have a soft spot for Golwg because when I was a librarian at Aberystwyth University, Golwg was one of my library stock subscriptions so I always got first glance at the latest issue before we put it on the shelves! I first looked at it whilst doing an intensive Welsh course (Wlpan Awst). So here’s a blast from that past: me on the cover of a magazine that year, playing Welsh Monopoly! I'm on the right in a shirt as I had just come from work at the library. No beard in those days, but I had hair on top of my head instead! Ah, those were the days.
Promoted by Karl Drinkwater (Green Party) at The Gate, Keppoch Street, Cardiff CF24 3JW.
Best of luck to you, Karl. My Mom's side of the family is from Wales, so I'm enjoying the Welshness of your posts.