“Boris Johnson has warned that the UK ‘can’t get complacent’ about anti-Semitism, in a statement to mark Holocaust Memorial Day.” [Source, 2021-01-27]
“At the meeting in parliament Johnson was pictured holding a banner that shows the neo-Nazi Wolfsangel symbol.” [Source, 2024-05-24]
“UK MPs applaud neo-Nazis” [Source, 2024-05-24]
War Crimes
Labour and Conservatives both support the atrocities being committed by Israel (just as in the US, both Democrats and Republicans do). All four are desperate to push colonialism, subjugation and violence in order to support their colony of Israel in the Middle East. All four are happy to supply weapons, funds and protection to Israel to continue its genocide and war crimes. And just as the US illegally tortures anyone who opposes its power, so are the Israelis, with the blessing of the UK and US governments. Have a read of this illuminating article:
Weaponising Language
One of the tools they use is weaponising the term anti-semitism, including pushing the flawed and controversial IHRA definition of anti-semitism which is designed to protect Israel from criticism for its war crimes. “You’re against genocide? You must hate Jews!” Under this ridiculous definition many of the Jewish brothers and sisters I respect so much are – you guessed it – anti-semitic! So is the UN. So is the International Court of Justice set up to prevent genocides happening ever again.
Such utter bollocks. What has become clear in recent years is that, if someone goes around accusing everyone of being anti-semitic, then the person doing the accusing is usually pro-genocide, a fascist, a colonialist, or paid off by lobbying organisations like AIPAC. It’s become a really useful way of spotting the arseholes (mostly wealthy conservative-type politicians).
Hypocrisy and Lies
Finally, people are waking up to this. They are realising that charges of anti-semitism are nothing to do with protecting Jews, but everything to do with protecting UK and US imperialism. None of the politicians who keep repeating charges of anti-semitism care in the slightest about Jews. Don’t forget that the American government turned Jews away in 1942, refusing to give them safety. That was a major injustice when the Jewish refugees needed and deserved protection and welcome, but it is revealing. The US only cares about Jewish safety when it furthers US interests.
Hence many racist UK and US politicians were probably only too happy to establish the colony of Israel on stolen land, because it meant they could push Jews out of their country to somewhere far away, whilst also being able to use them as a staging post for destabilising the Middle East.
“Israel is the largest American aircraft carrier in the world that cannot be sunk, does not carry even one American soldier, and is located in a critical region for American national security.” Alexander Meigs Haig, Jr., United States Secretary of State and White House chief of staff
Whatever your religion, you should be welcome to live in peace anywhere, not used as a tool in military expansion.
The True Attitude of the UK Government
We saw further evidence of the true attitudes of this week. Conservatives love to frame people campaigning for justice as being anti-semitic, pushing the lie that the Conservatives (or whatever other awful politicians) are truly concerned about protecting Jews. But Boris Johnson welcomed neo-nazi soldiers into the Houses of Parliament this week. The tame BBC and UK media didn’t cover it because it raises so many questions about the government, but here’s a background article:
The photo in that article shows Boris holding up Third Reich iconography. The soldiers were wearing uniforms with SS symbols on, even as government ministers applauded them, and used them as a proxy to escalate us into a war with Russia.
A quote from the article:
“Azov has been accused of rape and torture by Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and the United Nations. The group was founded by white supremacist Andriy Biletsky in 2014. Biletsky once wrote: “The historic mission of our nation in this critical moment is to lead the white races of the world in a final crusade for their survival. A crusade against the Semite-led untermenschen [inferior races].”
So the very same Conservative politicians falsely accusing others of anti-semitism, also welcomed and applauded neo-Nazis who want to see Jews exterminated.
That’s hypocrisy of a scale you couldn’t make up.
How To Recognise A Fascist
So remember that. Warmongering politicians who spout accusations of anti-semitism are often closet racists who don’t really care if you are Jewish, Muslim, Christian, fascist, or anything else. As long as you are useful and doing what they want, they will applaud and support you. As soon as they no longer find you useful, they will turn on you.
This is the reality. This is the scale of the problem we have to overcome if we are to live in peace with one another, and focus on supportive, functional communities rather than a world destroyed by needless wars, greed, division, and environmental destruction.
And A Caveat
Because of the way evil people will always try and twist your words, I need to add a clarification, even though all my friends know how much I care about justice.
My heart goes out to the Ukrainians. To be attacked by another country is vile, and unjust. Civilians and nature suffer massively in any conflict. The Russian government has been behaving like dicks in this matter.
But at the same time, be aware of how biased our media is in pushing the Government (and often US-government, at that) agenda. Actions are not so simple as the lies tell you, and these things don’t happen in a vacuum.
The US and its NATO allies have been threatening Russia and expanding towards it for decades. They are pushing, pushing, and Russia has finally retaliated. Exactly as the US and its allies wanted. They can then paint Russia as the aggressor, whilst hiding all the actions they took to force Russia into doing something.
These wars were totally avoidable if we had wise and just people in charge, rather than power-crazed sociopaths.
We’re seeing the same in China. Yes, China’s government is a huge dick in many ways. Censorship, torture, media manipulation, unjust laws. But the US and UK aren’t shining good guys. That’s just the narrative they spin. They imply China is a threat due to its warmongering and expansionism, but they forget to mention that the US has surrounded China with military bases and weapons. Look at this:

The US are pushing and pushing. Then, when China is forced to retaliate, they will claim China is the aggressor. And so we have another war.
Imagine if China put even one military base that close to the US? The US and UK would declare it to be an act of war! But that’s exactly what the US is doing to other countries, whilst lying to the citizens and telling them the other countries are a threat. How else can they defend the decision to spend money on bombs rather than healthcare? On killing foreigners, rather than enhancing the lives of their own citizens?
It’s no wonder that’s exactly the same as Israel has done. The invader, pushing and pushing, stealing land, killing and torturing. Whenever there is resistance, they claim to be the victim. They took it straight from the US playbook, since it is the US arming and backing their genocide. (For now.)
Cover For War
Our media is mostly propaganda. It avoids telling the truth about foreign policy. The media in the US and UK is no more free than in China or Russia. It’s just that ours is run by mega-rich oligarchs who are in bed with the government. The end result is the same.
And this all goes back to history. The US was founded on a genocide. It was a murderous British colony which stole land from the natives and slaughtered them. We did the same in Australia. We did it in so many countries. Go back further, to when the Anglo-Saxons took over Britain and forced the native Celts to retreat to Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, or face destruction. Eventually even that wasn’t enough as the English conquered those three countries. That underlying mindset, of colonisation and violence, formed the UK. It created the US. And Israel was just another extrapolation.
We’re all victims of the endless war machine. The planet is being destroyed by it. And when Boris Buffoon Johnson pushed Ukrainians to directly attack Russia, he was positioning them to be both the cause of violence, and the first to receive it, just as the US does with Israel. And in both cases it is in the full knowledge that there will be retaliations, and more violence, and it could escalate into full-blown wars, possibly even nuclear, as Russia has threatened. Those in power want that. They’ve rigged the game every which way to make it easy for them. They frame peaceful student protests as violent and then send in fascist soldiers to beat the shit out of anyone who dares speak up for justice. The US do it, and the UK copy suit.
It is our job to stop these bastards getting away with it.
Promoted by Karl Drinkwater (Green Party) at The Gate, Keppoch Street, Cardiff CF24 3JW.
Thank you for that much-needed clarity.