Karl, these are all very sound points (not so in the eyes of the establishment, of course). It's particularly refreshing to hear someone speak against the US military bases - my personal opinion is such a thing shouldn't exist in the UK or anywhere else; no country should have military presence in another sovereign country.

Same goes to speaking against the cult of the military many have been raised with. The mindset of unconditional praise for those who "served" is so entrenched in British society (just like it's the case in America) that this is maybe the most radical point you make. It might sound off-putting to many people at first glance because colonial systems rely on glorification of those who commit violence in the name of the state. And the fact that 16 years olds can enlist in the army is flat out dystopian.

Anyway, I sincerely hope you will do well this Thursday x

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Thank you! I always try to be honest, then worry about how it leaves me open to misinterpretation. I guess I'm so honest I'd make an awful politician! I wouldn't lie or keep secrets from people. That's immediately 90% of what politicians do just gone down the drain!

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The curse of politics - whether you speak with honestly or spew pure lies, you will be scrutinised and your words twisted for someone else's gains. There might be a cold day in hell before a fully honest person gets elected as an MP, but you'll never know unless you try! You have the will and integrity and we have to believe these things are possible in politics.

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Thanks again. And I will update this post with some extra thoughts later on. :-)

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