Karl, you'd certainly get my vote if I was living in your constituency. Sadly, where I am in the North of Ireland we're living under a shadow of colonialism, with a DUP MP who champions it in all its forms, including the latest onslaught on Palestine.

"We are not separate from nature, we are a part of it. We must imagine a world that reconnects us to the land, that is fair and equal, where we can experience fulfilling and sustainable lives in friendly communities."

These two sentences tell me all I need to know about you. How refreshing it is to read such a statement from a political candidate! I hope you win and I'm looking forward to get acquainted with your ideas.

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Thank you for the kind words, and also the way you picked up on the meaning behind what I said, and the statements most politicians would never make!

Over the years I have come to understand how similar struggles to shake off oppression are. It doesn't matter if it is Palestine, Ireland, India, Africa, or wherever. We must keep fighting.

I only recently found out about the meaning of the tricolour, and the peace it hoped for, even as the English saw it as "extremism"!

"The white in the centre signifies a lasting truce between Orange and Green and I trust that beneath its folds the hands of Irish Protestants and Irish Catholics may be clasped in generous and heroic brotherhood." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Ireland

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Indeed, recognising the interconnectedness of liberation worldwide is the key - seeing past the coloniser's narrative of racial and religious divide. I was just speaking along these lines at a solidarity event last weekend.

The original meaning of the Irish Tricolour is beautiful. The way it embraced the orange tradition in times where there was still a living memory of some of the penal laws is telling. It's sad that there is nowadays such an opposition to the Tricolour among unionist and loyalist communities in the North - I find it has little to do with it being a "reminder of the IRA campaign", as some try to claim, and everything to do with an inability and unwillingness to acknowledge and own the realities of colonialism and resistance to it. I will always stand by my opinion that there is no flag more suitable for an inclusive, peaceful and just United Ireland.

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I hope you win, Karl. My Mom's side of the family is from Wales, and I have a soft spot for that place. Best of luck!

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Thank you! Even if I don't win, at least I'll hopefully get to tell some truths about things and get a few more ears!

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